Anti-Corruption Policy

“When a state is in healthy condition, all things prosper; when it is corrupt, all thing go to ruin.” Democritus

Disclosure Document

Anti-Corruption Policy (June 12, 2023)

SIMPLeTPA is committed to increasing overall efficiency in maximizing healthcare benefits for its Members and, as such, rejects any activity such as corruption, bribery and/or conflicts of interest that would jeopardize that goal.

SIMPLeTPA recognizes the definition of corruption as the abuse of public or private office for personal or corporate gain. This means any behavior in which people in the public or private sectors improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves or those close to them, or induce others to do so, by misusing their position and/or resources. The purpose of SIMPLeTPA Anti-Corruption Policy is to reduce the burden corruption exacts from the community and economic opportunity – including access to affordable healthcare.

SIMPLeTPA values strong corporate governance and does not tolerate corruption, bribery or any improper acts that have the intent to gain inappropriate favors and/or benefits for personal or corporate gains. SIMPLeTPA expects all its directors, officers, employees, partners and users shall not offer, promise, give or authorize others to give anything of value, either directly or indirectly, to any client, person or entity for the purpose of corruptly influencing the recipient, secure an advantage, avoid a disadvantage or obtain or retain business or inappropriately impact fair and impartial claim settlements. Bribery, offering or paying inappropriate remuneration either directly or through any intermediaries such as agents, attorneys or other consultants, is considered corruption.